Nutrition Counseling

Our food choices are influenced by our upbringing, our cultural and ethnic backgrounds, availability, affordability and convenience. Our preference for certain flavors and textures as well as our energy needs steer us in the direction of foods that may not be the healthiest.

Food is medicine. Learning what foods are good for you, how to prepare them, and understanding other aspects of your eating habits can help you heal from illness.

Most chronic diseases are affected by your food choices as time goes by, for example blood sugar dysregulation that can lead to inflammation, heart disease, diabetes and a whole host of other serious conditions. Your gut and immune system respond to what comes down the turnpike when you eat. The friendly gut bacteria helping you digest and produce important nutrients can become imbalanced or disappear when you inundate them with artificial chemicals, overload on sugars, or take pharmaceutical drugs like antibiotics and over-the-counter painkillers.

Many people also have developed food sensitivities, intolerances, or allergies that trigger or contribute to a wide range of health impairments. We rely on an elimination of suspected offenders from your diet to determine which food stuffs are not working for you. This is a laborious process but yields the most reliable results to guide you toward healing.

Most of our patients return to better health when they work with a nutrition approach based on what our ancestors thrived on before agriculture became the standard, and certainly before almost every food became available in a bag or box with long lists of ingredients that require a degree in chemistry to understand. Back to the land may not work for you but back to the produce aisle or farmers market should be your goal if you want to create a foundation for good health and lasting vitality for yourself and your family.

There is a wide range of therapeutic diets available now, not only for weight loss but also to manage many health conditions and diseases. It can be overwhelming to try to figure out by yourself what the right choice would be and how to make it work.

We help you not only choose an appropriate nutrition strategy but, more importantly, support you as you’re putting your choice into action, which can actually be the hardest part. That’s where nutrition counseling meets health coaching.

Becoming knowledgeable about optimal food choices, learning how to cook, and exploring other important levers like intermittent fasting can turn into the most productive and rewarding strategy for you to achieve lasting health and well-being.