Totally Tummy
Your gut is central to your good health. Disturbances in your digestion can cause or contribute to many different health conditions, including women’s health concerns. Carefully read and answer these questions to get a sense of how well your digestive system is working.
1 = Never, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Mostly, 5 = Always
Now add up your points above to obtain your total. Then look at the scores below to find out where you are.
10 to 15 points: You’re doing very well overall. You have no or only very minor disturbances in your gut. Keep up the good work!
16 to 30 points: You have moderate imbalances in your digestive system that might improve if you make certain lifestyle changes and take good care of yourself.
31 to 50 points: You’re experiencing severe and possibly serious irregularities in your digestive system. This is common but not normal, and you may wish to speak to a natural women’s health specialist to explore your options. Botanical therapy and nutrition counseling can be helpful therapies to improve your gut health.